Homeowners Insurance in Redmond Oregon

3 Ways Homeowners in Bend, Oregon, Can Lower Their Home Insurance Costs Right Now

Bend, Oregon, known for its picturesque landscapes and active lifestyle, is an attractive place to own a home. However, with the risks of wildfires, winter storms, and the rising costs of construction, homeowners in Bend can face high insurance premiums. Fortunately, there are practical steps homeowners can take to lower their insurance costs without sacrificing coverage. Below are three effective ways to reduce your Bend, Oregon, homeowners insurance premiums.

Improve Your Home’s Fire Resistance

Bend is located in a region where wildfires pose a significant risk, especially during the dry summer months. Insurers assess the fire resistance of homes when determining premiums, so making your property more fire-resistant can directly lower your insurance costs.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Create Defensible Space: Clear a defensible space around your home by removing flammable materials such as dry leaves, debris, and dead plants. Defensible space is an area around your home where vegetation and other combustible materials are cleared, reduced, or replaced to slow fire spread. Create at least 30 feet of defensible space between your home and surrounding vegetation. Trim trees and bushes to reduce fuel sources for wildfires.
  • Upgrade to Fire-Resistant Materials: Consider upgrading your roof, siding, and windows to fire-resistant materials like metal roofing or fiber-cement siding. These materials are less likely to catch fire and may qualify you for discounts on your homeowner’s insurance.
  • Install Fire-Resistant Landscaping: Use non-flammable landscaping materials such as gravel and rock mulch. Plant fire-resistant shrubs and trees like oak, maple, or cherry, which are less likely to ignite.

You can negotiate better rates with your insurer by reducing your home’s vulnerability to fire. You can do this by providing evidence of the fire-resistant upgrades you’ve made, such as receipts for materials and labor, or by having your home inspected by a professional to verify the improvements. This is especially beneficial if you live in a high-risk area.

Bundle Home and Auto Insurance

One of the easiest ways to reduce your homeowner’s insurance premium is by bundling multiple insurance policies with the same provider. If you own a car, bundling your auto and home insurance under the same company can yield substantial savings.

Discount Opportunities: Many insurance companies offer multi-policy discounts that can save you a significant amount, anywhere from 5% to 25% off your total insurance costs. The potential for substantial savings makes bundling your policies a smart financial move. The savings can vary depending on the insurer, so it’s worth shopping for the best bundling deal.

Simplified Payments: Bundling can also simplify your insurance payments, allowing you to manage all your policies in one place. This convenience can help you stay organized and may result in fewer administrative fees, making your insurance experience smoother and more efficient. Ask your current insurance provider about their bundling options or compare quotes from other providers to see how much you can save by consolidating your insurance policies. Their expertise can reassure you that you’re making the best decision for your insurance needs and budget.

Increase Your Deductible

A higher deductible can significantly reduce your homeowner’s insurance premium. The deductible is the amount you agree to pay out-of-pocket before your insurance kicks in. By opting for a higher deductible, you can shift some of the risk to yourself, which insurers reward with lower premiums.

  • Considerations for a Higher Deductible: If you can handle a higher out-of-pocket expense in the event of a claim, this can be a smart way to save on your monthly insurance costs. For instance, increasing your deductible from $500 to $1,000 could save you 10% to 20% on your premium, depending on your insurer.
  • Weighing the Risk: It’s essential to weigh the risk of paying a higher deductible with the potential savings. If you live in an area prone to small, frequent claims (like water damage or windstorms), you should think twice before increasing your deductible. However, this option can provide immediate savings if you’re more concerned about catastrophic events and have an emergency fund.

Final Thoughts

A few strategic changes can lower homeowners insurance premiums in Bend, Oregon. Improving your home’s fire resistance, bundling policies, and increasing your deductible can substantially affect your insurance costs. Before making any changes, you must speak with your insurance agent or provider to ensure you get the best rate for the coverage you need. With these steps, you can protect your home and save money simultaneously.

Get a homeowners insurance quote today by calling us at (541) 318-8835 or click here to connect with us online!

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